Are material Things important?

Loving Things. Yes!


   I used to want the cars, the house, and all  the other items we are marketed as “Success”. I have been blessed to experience many of the things I’ve wanted. I have lived in a 1.6 million dollar home. ( Just to realize I actually like my own land & a modest size home). I have driven luxury cars (Just to realized I hated the attention). I have exp major success in business (just to realize that when you are winning some of the people around you are there for the money).

So am I against material things now? NO! What I have come to realize is that we all need to experiance our material dreams to give us contrast. Behind the cars, houses, & cloths is a person looking for a “feeling”.

If that car makes you feel accomplished, happy and fulfilled when you drive it…get it! When you walk around your new home and it gives you butterflies of joy buy it! If that outfit makes you feel beautiful , wear it!

Life is about experiences & in order to know what you really like you have to see for yourself.

We are all on different parts of our paths. Where I’m at is not where you are. Love the things you want and do not be ashamed! As you progress you will crave other experiences. You will find that what’s valuable to you will shift. Until then live life to the fullest and experience what brings you joy and fulfillment.

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