Be responsible for your own happiness.

Discover your self.




When you love someone it’s only natural to do what you can to make the other person happy. It even makes you feel good to see the other person happy.

It is very important that you not lose yourself and while being too focused on your partners likes and dislikes.

l have personally delt with this issue 1st hand! I was constantly thinking & working hard to make my partner happy but at the end of the day they were stilled depressed. I had to admit that it was not in my power.

Finally I woke up! I thought for the 1st time in years “What do I like?”, “What do I want in life? , “What are my dreams?”, these are questions that I never asked myself. Then it dawned on me…..After all these years, I didn’t know me at all.

I then started on my manifestation journey!  I discovered things about myself that I had no clue about. I like walking in nature. I like beautiful scenery. I like nice neiborhoods. I love rving . l love raising children. Lol 😆 the list goes on.

As selfish as it sounds you are responsible for your own happiness & no matter what you do your partner is responsible for theirs.

My suggestion is to fall in love with yourself 1st. Exploring who you are and what experiences you want to have & making them come true is the power of the law of Attraction! In this process know that like energy attracts like energy. Which means as you love yourself it’s likely your vibration will attract the right person.✨✨✨✨

If you are in a reaction ship you will notice that just by focusing on yourself & changing your responses that your partner will start take notice. In my case it changed the whole dynamic of the relationship. In other words no matter what mood they are in. No matter how they act, you can master your feelings and still be happy. Why? Because you have learned to create your own happiness ⭐️


Morpheus : The Law of Attraction Daily

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