Change these 10 things in relation to Money and go to financial freedom!

Money is energy and just like any other relationship it with treat you like you treat it.

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These are 10 things to change in relation to money.

1. You can not have fear & desperation attached to your desire to increase your money. The vibration of the anxiety is the signal that will bring more anxiety to you! Don’t wait until you have no other option,start thinking about what you would love to do now! Meditate on this daily & you will be directed.

2. Waisting time looking for a “fast come up”. Although there are instant 1 millionaire lottery winners, most go broke in a few years! Why? Because they did not go through the “process” of building wealth. The process gives you the proper education to not only keep your money but to grow it. Enjoy dreaming of the big money but pick something you are really excited about. This will fuel you through the process and make everyday fun! Ask your self…what would I love to do?

3. Money will treat you like you treat it. If you hide money,money will hide from you. If you lie about money, money will lie to you. If you think of the best things to do with money, nurture and take care of money….it will surely take care of you! If you abuse money,it will walk right out of your life.

4. Blindly chasing money! Like a chicken with the head cut off, you run around blindly doing any and everything for a dollar! You disrespect other business people, steal ideas, & lie to customers. This will give you short term results however this is one of the most sure fire ways to go broke! Relax, calm your mind , and you with have access to the most powerful tool ever used in the known universe…Your brain power,emotion and intention.

5. Make sure you talk to yourself! Yes, that’s right, talk to yourself as if you already are liviving the financial life of your dreams. This is only for your sub-concoius. This should be a conversation that some would call “Make believe”. Say the compliments your friends will say, to yourself (I love your new house, “Why thank you”). Money has ears! This excites money and brings it closer to you. Your voice is a vibration, that is comes from thought, and is vocally transferred to this 3D physical plain. The bible says “Speak those things that are not, as if they were”.

6. Instead of focusing on what you what to spend your money on, switch your focus on creating! Money loves to work! This will form a goal oriented relationship with your money. Money is a tool to that is used to bring your ideas to life. When you focus more on spending than creating it’s not bringing a balance to you finances.

7. Increase your value! It is not logical to want increase but not increase your value in any way. Money loves talent! It gets excited when you learn new skills. The vibration of learning something new you love and comtiplating seeing it manifest is a powerful attractive factor!

8. Give money to people with the right energy. Money is “currency” and a current flows. People who often handle money, when they lose money on a investment they are not bent out of shape. They learn from the mistake and move on. Money loves this type of energy. All money is not good money. When I deal with people and they have a hostile attitude or negative energy attached to any money transaction we have, I do not want it! Money does not like arguments over it, it love making people happy. When you give you get!

9. Know exactly what you want! The universe is here to deliver our dreams. I have ment very technically talented people who can not FOCUS! They jump from idea to idea while never accomplishing anything. Why? Because of this universal law “What you focus on expands”. To manifest anything takes a consistant focus. When you focus your thought energy, your physical energy, and your emotional energy with excitement ….you will manifest your dream. Decide what you want and focus!

10. Excuses! This steals more dreams than anything. The root cause of excuses is “fear of failure” or loosing. Instead of making excuses tell yourself the truth about yourself. Face your weaknesses and fix them, then find your strenths and exploit them! Honesty is power. Many people loose the prime years of their life making excuses and avoiding change. If you do not challenge yourself you will not grow. Face your fears and you will live your dreams.

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