Connect with your spiritual compass

Where should we go from here?


These are some trying times,we are literally at the beginning of a golden age or entering a modern version of the dark ages.

Energy & your spiritual compass-

How do you feel? The media you follow and consume everyday, doe it make you feel hopeful or afraid? Are you exited about the future or full of anxiety?

The downfall of humanity is it lust for power & Control. In humanities pass these were not the dominant factors in growth. The reason we are at this point is every system created for human development has been motivated by money.

 Money is not real. It has power because we all agreed we will give it power. Since that time the purpose of those at the top is to use it to gain power & control to the dep of of ALL.

Every natural species understands how to work together to survive & thrive. Why don't schools teach children to share? Why won't they teach the true value of all groups? What is so bad about love? Why would the powers that be go against every teaching of of almost every spiritual teacher?

 Sharing, love , empathey, compassion, & caring are now all bad things. There is more than enough resources & land to go around. We have more than enough creative inventions to thrive. Why then are we experiencing so much poverty and suffering?

It's simple. People love power & Control more than they love the planet & other humans. This is pure evil.

Take heart & dont dispare! This time it is different. I am here to tell you,that evil will not win! The energy of the universe is different this time. Instead of fear there is a powerful energy we feel.

 The earth is alive. It has its own consciousness and form of communication. The folly of those who think it has survived for millinia & has now way to protect itself!
To think the native species will continue to be wiped out by this evil with no resistance?

We will evolve. We will dismantle this manipulative system & the universe will show all on a global platform that these men are not Gods. That we have collective work to do. Yes my friends we are headed into a new golden age. What we are seeing is the final death throws of a corrupt system that has to go so we can all evolve.

Stay focusEd. Tune into the universal frequency. It has no fear. Find your peace everyday. Quiet your mind. Listen, it will tell you exactly what to do to get through this transition period.

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