Create great memories

Memoriesare a vibration.


     It is hard not to succumb to the distractions of this matrix we all live in. It is set up to be distracting. I read an article written by a nurse in a retirement facility that catered to wealthy people. She said when she asked them about their life and these people owned businesses and estates but they mention cars, homes, or other property. They talked about the people they loved and the wonderful moments that meant so much to them. Many reflected on time they missed, working and trying to accumulate wealth.

At the end of the day a wonderful memory is a frequency, recorded in time. It is a never ending feeling that actually means something. We are here to create experiences that impact other people with love. There are things that you have done for people that they will never forget. Memories that will be passed down from generation to generation. When loves ones move on to the next life you summon the frequency of a memory that made you feel a particular way. That is what you most miss about that person.

We believe that we are co-creators of our life experience. The universe did not put you here to suffer but to try him (God) and indulge yourself on this wonderful beautiful planet that we live on. The water falls, the seasons, the sky, the flowers were all made just for you…the concious observer. Pay attention to the beautiful scenery. Pay attention to the ones you love, tell them you love them often. Pay attention to all of the great things God has done for you and he will give you more! Every parent wants to see their children happy and to enjoy what they have provided.

From this day forward explore what you want to experience. Find out what are the things you enjoy and do them. Have fun creating memories with the ones you love. Find out what drives you. What makes you happy? After all…once time is gone, it’s gone! You can't buy it back our trade in your house for more of it.
Written by: The law of attraction daily

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