This is a very exciting topic for me. Think about it, as a child of the ccreator don't you expect to have some of the same attributes as as your father? We all were given the power to create. This is what nature does. Everything around you came from someones imagination or the genius of the universe.
How to create your life?
Everyone can do it! We are all equal in power but we are not equal in belief! You have to 1st know the life that you want. This is very important because the "feeling" you get when you think of this life sets the "vibration" the vibration sends out the signal then the "frequency" this "attracts the circumstances, the opportunity’s, the people, the ideas that will create your vision for your life.
1. Write down the life of your dreams on a sheet of paper with your own hand. This is the 1st appearance of your dream coming through you to this physical reality. Meditate on it every day for at least 17 seconds. Feel as if it is already done.
2. During the course of the day, speak it out! This is vibration into the physical world. Say the things that other people will say. Visualize their reactions, hell just hold a whole conversation about the new life you have.
3. YOU WILL HAVE AN IDEA! This will be something that you never thought of or something you thought of but did not do. This is where the self-doubt usually starts. Every blessing or breakthrough is always located in the same spot....behind FEAR! You will have to walk through some sort of fear. Why? Facing your fears make you grow, strengthens your trust in the universe and will give you evidence to draw belief from in the future.
The next steps are continue on the path as it unfolds. It will be some difficulties but you will see the power that has been hidden inside you the whole time. You will become the person of your dreams and regardless of the outside circumstance’s you will be living in a whole other reality!
Mr.King The law of attraction daily