Your hidden powers are instantly activated after you conquer your fear.

Powerful teaching.


Think about this….Why would the powers that be spend trillions of dollars developing everything from artificial intelligence, artificial immune response, even artificial food but completely invest nothing in the most powerful known instrument that we know of in the know universe ……..YOU!

We are taught from children not to share. Media spends billions to highlight our differences to keep us divided, why?

The below video demonstrates one power we have, “collective consciousness” imagination what we are really capable of? It’s time to wake up people. If you do not give yourself permission to explore your gifts, who will???

Fear combined with low self esteem has kept us from our ability to create reality. The way the system was designed it siphons all of our collective energy (Through jobs) up to a few individuals. Those individuals have become so powerful & have been right for so long they have came up with a warped twisted reality based on total control!

You have got to use your power! Say no! Organize & break out of your sleep! You are in a real life matrix powered by media that takes you further and further away from your real power…….YOU! Once we are on one accord (Like they are doing now with this virus) we can collectively create the world of our dreams! Collectively we can do anything. Light & Love family.

The 100th monkey effect.

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